It is difficult to think that my children have a slightly higher risk of getting MS as people without a family member with MS. But it is not guaranteed that they will get MS, and there are things I can do to reduce their chances. Making sure they get enough Vitamin D, making sure they protect their eyes from the sunlight, and making sure they know how to keep themselves well hydrated and cool. As a Mormon, I believe that we are all children of Heavenly Father and He has a plan for each of His children. He wants all of His children to come to earth to gain a physical body and to choose to live righteously in order to come back to Him and live with Him forever. He gives us each different trials, never more than we can handle, in order to help us grow and learn things that we need to learn in order to achieve this purpose. So I know that bringing children into this world is always the right choice. No matter what ailments or trials they will be faced with, they are children of God and they are facing them for a reason.
I also considered my own health risks in the decision to have children. Luckily, most women do not have relapses while pregnant. It seems like MS basically goes dormant during pregnancy, although some women do have problems, but it is not common. However, within the first year after the baby is born, the mom usually has a relapse. This was true for me. Eight months after my daughter was born my legs went numb. And eight months after my son was born my legs went tingly and I had muscle weakness in one eye leading to double vision. Now, I should have gotten back on a treatment much sooner than I did both times, and these relapses may have been prevented. Even so, I plan on having more babies! They are completely worth it. I may not breastfeed any subsequent babies and instead get back on my MS meds as soon as the baby is born, though, in hopes of preventing another relapse. We will see when the time comes...
All I know is, the days that I had my babies were the most wonderful days of our lives. My husband agrees. He was right there with me every step of the way and says he wouldn't trade those days for anything. We also feel like any sacrifice is worth having these precious blessings in our family. They are worth it!
Moments after our daughter was born |
Me and my perfect baby girl |
My husband was smitten with her instantly |
Moments after our son was born |
Daddy and son |
So happy that you shared your blog on the MS facebook group! I'm also a Mormon mom with MS. Excited to get to know you!