Tuesday, May 28, 2013

My Life Goals

For as long as I can remember I have had 3 main life goals.  I have other little goals and dreams and aspirations, of course, but three big life goals:

1. To get a college degree.  Which I did!  I graduated from Brigham Young University with a bachelor's degree in Family and Consumer Science Education in 2010.

Me and my fellow FACS girls
2. To get married to a good LDS (mormon) guy in a temple.  The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has temples throughout the world where we get married, as well as do other sacred ordinances.  If a couple is married and sealed in the temple, they and their offspring are joined for "time and all eternity" rather than just "til death do you part".  I love that I get to be with my husband and my babies FOREVER.

My husband and I were married in the Houston, TX temple
3. To have children and, if possible, be a stay-at-home-mom and raise them to be upstanding, contributing members of society and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  This one I am still working on.  I have two absolutely wonderful babies so far, and I hope to have more.  And I am so blessed that my amazing husband supports me in my goal to be a homemaker, so he works hard and we budget scrupulously so that we can afford for me to stay at home and raise our children.

My family this past Christmastime
Of course, it looks like I've got it made when I lay things out like this.  It looks like I've pretty much accomplished everything I really wanted to and I'm going to reach the finish line scot free.

 But I never expected MS.  It makes all three of these goals more difficult to accomplish.  College was very trying at times, especially during relapses.   And when I was dating, I always thought to myself, "Why would anyone marry me?  I'm defective, I'll probably die younger than most, and I'm so expensive with all my medical costs."  But somehow I managed to get my husband to fall so madly in love with me that he married me anyways ;)  And although MS tends to pretty much go dormant during pregnancy, you never know what will happen afterwards, and more than that I just worry about having enough energy to raise children!

But look at how far I've come already, and I'm only 27!  So I will keep fighting and praying and try to enjoy every precious moment I am given to enjoy all that this life has to offer.   

1 comment:

  1. Miss you Hannah! You are awesome and you can do it!!
