Monday, November 4, 2013

Attitude of Gratitude

It is November!  I love this month.  It is a whole month for Americans to focus on the good things they have in their lives.  We have a few traditions that I will talk more about in other posts, but a good friend of mine posted this on her blog and I want to pass it on.

This was very difficult to do, because there are numerous people who help me everyday, and so many people I cherish in my heart.  This was a good activity to help me look at the things I am grateful for about myself.  I often think of other people I am grateful for and things I have that I am grateful for, but I rarely think about my body or my own talents that I am grateful for.

Having an attitude of gratitude makes a huge difference in my life.  I am happiest when I take time in my hectic day to focus on what is going right.  It's so easy to just focus on everything that is going wrong in our lives.  I am trying to develop an attitude of gratitude that I can keep all year round, so that I can be happy and more positive.

Now it's your turn. Head to Second Chance to Dream and download your gratitude sheet. Then either print it off and fill it in (then scan it so you can post it). Or, I opened the picture in Microsoft Publisher (you could do Power Point too) then added a text box for each separate shape. Once I was finished, I saved it as a jpeg.